Bigger and better reverse Whois with us!
The more comprehensive the source database, the better the reverse Whois results are. Our domain database has grown bigger reaching the impressive 625+ million covering domains in all extensions in all gTLDs and 90% of ccTLDs. It has also got better with the improvements in our complex query management and Whois record details parsing system. With one of the world's largest at our disposal, we can analyze the Whois, IP, NS and MX records and content of any domain and offer you powerful investigation tools.
Our reverse Whois lookup allows you to:
- find all domains belonging to the suspects in a cybercrime investigation. It is often the case that domain ownership is hidden via private Whois. Then, our reverse IP or NS services may prove helpful as they give you all websites sharing the same IP address or name servers.
- protect your brand in the domain arena. We can conduct a thorough search by keyword/phrase of our massive database. If you discover owners who misuse domains with your trademark, eg for the purpose of selling counterfeit goods online, you can use our reverse Whois service to check all their domains for other intellectual property infringements.
- conduct domain research. For example, you can check all domains of powerful domain sellers, look for partner domainers, evaluate competitors' domain portfolios, etc.
- do corporate research. You can find all domains belonging to your competitors and analyse them by country/industry, exposure, rankings, customer views, market share, etc.
In addition to reverse Whois lookups, we can also offer you reverse IP, NS and MX services. Give them a try or get in touch to learn more!